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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Learning in Spanish

Got out our learning toys today. Maverick joined our lesson. Christopher's eyes we open wide. I know it's a little early but I'll always be a teacher at heart!
both listening to me tell them about colors in Spanish

Christopher got a hold of Maverick and didn't let go!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


he curls his bottom lip when he gets upset now. in spanish they are called pucheros! it's so cute....
I swear he looks like his daddy and grandpa Fred

Naps with Daddy

a Sunday afternoon nap. They make the same funnylips when they sleep
the boys fell asleep watching TV

the boys after bath time. Christopher loves the sound of his dad voice

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Maverick always near by!
Ready to start our day

too cute, even early in the morning when we all want to sleep

it was a late night, so we decided to make the best of it and PLAY! Daddy looks sleepy, Christopher is wide awake!

ready for lunch with big brother

Stock Yards with his cousins & Tia Monica

the duck park, it was a wonderful day!

Breakfast before Six Flags on St. Patricks day

shopping with Momo & Tia Tortilla

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

in our bed

Christopher loves streching our in our bed BUT not with us :o)

Monday, March 9, 2009